Here you can see a list of our most Frequently Asked Questions organised by category. If your question is not listed, please feel free to submit a question via our contact form or call us on: 046-9432432

The maximum amount a person over 18 may hold in a Share or Deposit account is €40,000.

You can withdraw your savings provided they are not pledged as security on a loan. However, you are encouraged to keep your savings intact, so that:

  • They continue to earn a dividend
  • They continue to benefit from the Life Savings Insurance
  • You maintain your credit worthiness and capacity to borrow

Your credit union will be happy to talk to you about suitable alternatives to withdrawing your savings.

Members of a credit union are united by a common bond. This is a characteristic that every member has in common (for example, it might be where you live or where you work). Anyone within the common bond is eligible to apply for membership, and start saving as soon as they are admitted.